Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dont forget to get a paper today!!! If your like me I get at least two so I make sure I get enough coupons for the deals I want! If you are just starting to build your coupon collection this is definitely the week to rack up! There are 2 Red Plums, 1 Smart Source, and a P&G Saver in this weeks paper! YAY!
Also go to and Redplum to print out newly stocked q's. If you had printed your limit on item chances are they have restocked and you can print again!


  1. I have a question?!? I want to see the in-store coupons on the CVS site...but every time I click on the link, I get an error message that the page won't load....does it have to do with a setting on our computer?!? Just wondering. I love using my card and get $$$ off...I usually turn around and go back and buy something I need just so I don't let my $$$ off expire!! Thanks for all your great tips!

  2. It may have something to do with your computer.I just tried from the CVS site and pulled up my in store q's immediately. Make sure you have linked your CVS card on the CVS site...they will send you great $/$ purchase q's! Last week I got a $4/$20 purchase!WooHoo! Thanks for reading hope I am helping you:)
