Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Target: Cuponk Game Only $2.00 PaperJamz $13.99

Cuponk???Whats that??? Its a game my kids are crazy for basically its a pingpong ball and a cup so you know I was not going to pay alot for it...but here is a price I can live with! Go to Target.com and get a $5.00 off coupon for Cuponk...then to top it off Cuponk is on sale for $7.00 this week. This is a great deal considering this game retails for $13.99! Check another present off my shopping list:) Check out the other toy coupons while you are at Target.com there are some other great deals. PaperJamz Guitars are on sale for $18.99 and there is a $5.00 off coupon making it just 13.99 + Target is offering FREE shipping on this item! Most of Targets toy coupons have codes to use on Target.com if you cant get to a store..WOOHOO for me!
All these deals expire Wednesday though so HURRY!

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